Simple tutorial for programmers
This site provides a tutorial on how to use RTF and SYLK files when generating output from a database or other application.
- RTF - Rich Text Format (Basics)
- RTF - Rich Text Format (Working with fonts and tabs)
- RTF - Rich Text Format (Working with tables)
- SYLK - SYmbolic LinK
Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) files
- Drawing a grid
- Drawing an arc
- Simple crest design as a SVG file. St. Ives High School (Class of '79) crest
Hardware design examples based on the Atmel 8-bit AVR Microcontrollers
- ATTiny 45 (Basics)
Arduino Projects and Tutorials
- Web form processing (tutorial)
Other how-to tutorial guides by example
- BASH script (Basics)
Other projects of Interest
- Formulas for solving finance math problems
- Weather Station reporting current conditions ( implementation)
- Trixbox (Asterisk PBX implementation)
- High speed photography. Slow motion effect with high speed video is shown with Newton's Cradle
- Photography
My favorite text editor is PFE. To view and edit a file at the byte level I use HexEdit. I do all my DOS programming with TurboPascal V3.02. For Windows and the Mac almost eveything I do can be expressed as a database so I use the ACI 4D product. This website was created with the Macromedia HomeSite 5 HTML Editor. I also find it useful to turn off the auto correct features within Word and also to turn off the spelling and grammer checking.
More to come as I work through this development exercise. Comments Welcome
Tony Di Bona (Updated - March 16, 2014)